
Power Play


biennial contemporary art festival co-produced with A'shua Imran and Jireh Koh

The Arts House, 20 Depot and Online


Power is an integral aspect of life and is omnipresent within our sociological, political, psychological and spiritual celebrations. The use of and variance in power can be observed within various social phenomena, including the process of socialisation, indoctrination, radicalism, social deviance, and social control. There is also the involvement of power within different institutional encompassment such as education, government, organisation, and religion, forming hierarchical interrelations through influence, command, and control. Power also plays a significant role in contemporary issues that revolve around environmentalism, gender dynamics and geopolitical identities, illuminating concerns of abuse, inequality and conflict of interest.

Inevitably, power is accountable for the frameworks that hold our society together as it establishes the structures in the way we function. Such structures can also be viewed as a double edged sword. On one hand, the practice and accession of power have led to negative repercussions such as coercion, war, and even deaths. On the other hand, power has also granted individuals and collectives the opportunity and authority to bring about positive social changes, while maintaining discipline and order within various societal constitutions. This is reflected in French philosopher Michel Foucault’s proposition that power is not just a forceful phenomenon that compels us to act against our will, but can also be a constructive impetus in society that is embodied in our everyday proceedings.

A ubiquitous example of power in everyday life can be observed through play – an activity that is commonly associated with pleasure and recreation. Players indulging in such activities are often directed by their own intrinsic motivations where the joy of play lies in the discovery of personal capabilities such as innovation and strategy building during unexpected circumstances. In diverse situations that can be individual or collective, players act and react through their engagement within the play context, while at the same time evaluating their individual competencies against the confrontation of the other. In that regard, play presents the gratification of validating one’s own power, as yielding victorious and successful results seem to be every player’s inherent aspiration.

Conclusively, the phenomenon of power has established a fundamental position in society with its importance in structuring the dynamics of a multitude of social and everyday realities. Putting the aforementioned ideas into perspective, Power Play attempts to discuss the seriousness of power dynamics with the whimsical idea of play. What are the various power play that is taking place in contemporary societies across the globe? What does the involvement of power within various social issues entail? Exploring the manifold dimensions of the notion of power through the playful possibilities of contemporary art, the festival will feature a multitude of international and local works including performance art, video art and visual art, in an attempt to encourage intercultural discussions pertaining to the play of power.